Duality – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly!

In this current reality we collectively create, we place much importance on duality. Condolences such as “We need the bad to know the good”, or “If we never experience the chill of a dark winter, it is very unlikely that we will ever cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day”* are offered up as solace that we must experience the bad first to enjoy and more importantly appreciate the good. But do we really? Do we really need the bad in order to appreciate the good or to understand the good? Are we so simple that we cannot recognize the good without the bad?

Stephen (my better half) has often been heard to say, “Everything in moderation, especially moderation!” (as I devour the whole donut) like this is some secret knowledge he holds that explains the answer to all questions. This same statement has also been used in the form “Everything in balance!” as the confirmation that if we can just balance the opposing forces we encounter, then everything will be ok, for we will be in balance.

Follow with me here: This would then imply that for only 50% of our time we should be happy because if we are happy for 60% of the time or say 90% of our life then we are not balanced, we are in fact out of balance and this is not what we should be striving for if you listen to all the ‘positive’ statements about duality – here’s a good one, “The calm before the storm”!

Let me just go on record and say this now…. What crap! Utter hogwash! Balance schmalance! Who says we cannot be happy 100% of the time? Why do we need to be unhappy for 50% of our life in order to appreciate the other half of the equation? Does the logic of duality not have you shaking your head in puzzlement also? How do we continually ‘feed’ ourselves such bull? We nod in agreement when we hear these statements, we remind ourselves to weather the storm because the good is around the corner, like the good is a badge to wear in proof that you made it through the bad, or even worse, we’ve had a good run it will have to come to an end because, you know, we can’t have everything we want all of the time!

Yikes! When did we allow ourselves to be hoodwinked so well? Here’s the thing – if we have the ability to judge, or the ability to recognize the opposite of something, then we must have this ability for a reason? Not so? Make sense? Then duality has to have some purpose. Well it does! There is one good use for the ability to judge anything, and that is to decide whether ‘something’ will lead you closer to your higher self or not, whether something is leading you in the right direction or not. That’s it. Our ability to judge is not given to us to decide if the Republicans are right or if the Democrats are, or whether wearing masks stops the spread of coronavirus or not. These are not the correct uses for our ability to judge – our ability to assess the dual nature, because if you use them for this purpose, then you must decide something to be right while you make something else be wrong and when you bring ‘wrong’ into the equation then we allow wrongness (sadness, anger, hate, disappointment, etc.) to exist and weight out the other side of the equation so we can chase after this elusive balance. 

In A Course in Miracles, the 66th Lesson is “My happiness and my function are one”. To understand this statement is to blow your mind! It literally means that your function is to be happy and this means that you should choose to be happy all the time. Whenever you are faced with a choice – where you are to use your power of judgement – your function, your PURPOSE is to literally choose happiness! Is your mind blown? No? Well, are you happy right now? Truly happy? Have you been truly happy since, say, March this year? Let’s clarify first what true happiness means. True happiness is happiness without sadness. Happiness without its opposite – because happiness with it’s opposite is not happiness, that is called balance! So, let me ask you the question again. Have you been truly happy this whole week? Happy 100% of the time. Without thoughts of the racist cop who killed the unarmed black man, or without thoughts of the increasing number of Corona cases, or without thoughts of the current political climate? 

You might be thinking right now that to have thoughts about these topics doesn’t negate happiness, and I would ask you how you feel when you think these thoughts? If you are a Democratic supporter and you do not think Donald Trump should be the leader of the USA, how does it make you feel if you think of him winning the next election? Happy? To Republicans, how does it make you feel to have Bernie Sanders as the next President? Happy now? Or how does it make you feel to think about the racial violence playing out in the media? Happy? Or the increasing Corona virus numbers, happy? 

If you are getting p*ssed off right now because my words are making you angry, then you are making the choice, right now, to be unhappy! Simple as that! If I have irritated you in some way, YOU HAVE MADE THE CHOICE TO BE UNHAPPY. You chose to disagree with what I said and you feel: angry, frustrated, disgusted, annoyed, exacerbated, aggravated, bored, bothered, maddened, unpleased (pick one). The fact is, you could be absolutely correct about whatever made you react the way you have, but being correct is immaterial to being happy. They do not go together. Happiness is independent of rightness. Let me say that again, happiness is independent of rightness. So, you can be right or you can be happy, because the problem is, we have judged ‘rightness’ to be happiness and that is not true happiness because what happens if you are proven wrong? What would happen to your happiness then?

There are literally a gazillion other ways to view or to react to what I have written. Ask yourself, if it is possible that another person may see my words differently? In a different light? Is it possible that just one other person may have a different perspective than yourself? If the answer is yes, then how do you know your perspective is correct? Are you able to assess all possible perspectives, different to yours, to judge whether they are all wrong and yours, right? No, of course not, so how do you then know yours is right? The simple answer is you don’t!

If you can understand this logic, then you must also understand that what you think about what I have written here, or what you think about anything for that matter, is not based on right or wrong, it’s based on you thinking you are right. It is important to clarify here: your thoughts create your reality, but you control your thoughts, your thoughts do not control you, so it is in your power to choose what you think. If your current thoughts also make you feel truly happy, then you’re soaring. If your current thoughts however, don’t make you feel happy, then it is as easy as looking for a different perspective, assessing whether that perspective makes you feel happier than the last one did, and if it does, going with that train of thought, i.e. choosing that train of thought. 

You see, being happy is our highest priority. It is literally our function given to us by God. It is our sole and our soul purpose and you really have the power to choose and think thoughts that make you truly happy 100% of your life. If you are not happy, know that this was a choice you made, and you can easily change your mind, you simply choose to do so!

Doesn’t it make you feel absolutely marvelous to understand that you never ever, ever, ever have to feel unhappy again? Man, it tickles me pink!

Sending you feel good vibes!

Reference: *Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

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